It’s cold out.
Layers upon layers, upon layers,
To keep what’s warm from getting out.
To hide what feels good from the knocking of the cold.
Holding back the frigidness of all that beckons to get in.
It’s cold out.
It’s cold out.
Flakes of snow begin to fall,
Flakes upon flakes, upon flakes.
Falling down, trapping every inch of what’s left of life.
Burying all the dirty green and brown to white.
It’s cold out.
It’s cold out.
The sun becomes a checkered friend.
The ones you wonder if you will see again.
Doing the job of the makers hand.
I complain and scream and shout.
That it’s cold out.
It’s cold out.
It might be cold within.
Layers upon layers, upon layers.
To keep what’s warm from getting in.
To hide trapped feelings from the caring of a friend.
Holding back the love that beckons to get in.
It’s cold out... or cold within.