Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm Losing

I’m losing
One step forward and two steps back
I’ve robbed my offspring
Trying to stay in the game
Now I’m cornered on the checker board of life
I see no way out, any way to win
I’m calling God to be my lifesaver
Throw me the ring so I can stay afloat
The numbers are racing around in my head
Everyday, racing, poking, prodding
I’m losing
I’m a failure at being a provider
Unable to give what I do not have
I’d sell the shirt from my back
But no one would buy it
I’d give it away but no one would take it
I’m a joke
A laughing stock to my inner self
A poor excuse for a man
I slump; I hide my head in shame
The debt of the devil hovers over me
Unable to get free from this quick sand
Sinking deeper and deeper
God, please lend me your hand
I’m reaching with all of my might
I’m screaming inside
Can’t you hear me?
I’m losing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're writing a new book of Job here. I appreciate your honesty, your "keeping it real..."