Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Foul Smell Of Words

Random words born of the heart
Spew like fire from lips and tongue
Said with smile and twinkling eye
Leak the foul smell of words

So this is the language of maturity?
This is the heart of His child?
Comedy takes a back seat
With the foul smell of words

Hypocrisy takes the stage
And bares its evil tongue
Acting out you live the part
Embracing the foul smell of words

Disappointment fills the air
Friends look away in pain
Turn it off screams the child
Remembering the foul smell of words

Is this the one we know?
Who speaks of love and life?
Cursing lips sup communion cup
And wash over the foul smell of words

Four letters fill the mouth
What actually fills your heart?
Mirrored out for all to see
Your love for the foul smell of words

1 comment:

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