Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Angel

I don’t know where she’s heard it, but she says it over and over.
She’s probably hear it countless times; I just never gave it any thought.
So I look at her, just look and believe, it is, in fact, the truth.
To be in the presence of an angel, to think, I just thought she was my little girl.
Straight from heaven, a blessing from God, my very own angel.
The sound of her voice, no sweeter sound, music to my ears.
The sparkle in her eyes, they shine as if she’s seen God face to face.
Her smile, such a beautiful smile. How it fills my heart with joy.
Her touch, so smooth. The touch of silk could never compare.
She holds my heart in the palm of her hand and I will never complain.
How could I be so lucky? What did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful gift?
I have no idea.

How will I make it as a father? After all, my little girl is an angel.
God, help me to hold her little hand whenever she feels scared.
Help me to be as strong as she makes me feel.
Help me to love her with all my might and chase away the monsters.
Calm my fears and steady my heart. When I see her, I see you.
If you’re looking for a missing angel somewhere in the walls of heaven,
Please let her stay with me down here. I promise I’ll take care of her.
And I’ll always ask for your help. I’ll raise her the best that I can
and with your help, I know we’ll be just fine.
Lord, I never thought a little girl could be an angel.
I know now I was wrong, I have my very own.


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