By Steve Conley
Scripture: John 19:30 NIV
Cast: 2 Actors.
(Actor 1 is pacing back and forth with paper and pencil in hand.)
Actor 1: (Speaking to himself) The deathbed can lead people to speak with great honesty and, in many cases, humor. Many of these people helped to form our world as we know it. They were great leaders, great speakers, great writers and some made a great sacrifice for mankind…
(Actor 2 enters.)
Actor 2: Preparing for you speech huh?
Actor 1: Yes, but I’m not sure if I’ve got the real… you know… the “reach out and grab ya” I need.
Actor 2: So what is your speech about?
Actor 1: Famous last words.
Actor 2: So, I take you are speaking about famous last…
Actor 1: Yeah, famous last words!
Actor 2: Would that be famous last words of famous people?
Actor 1: Well, I guess… well, yeah in order for them to be famous last words I guess it would have to come from famous people.
Actor 2: So what do you have so far?
Actor 1: (Clears throat) J.M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan said, “I can’t sleep” just before his death. This statement is true but some you may never hear about. Such as, “Hey Bubba, watch this!” or, “I drank what?”
Actor 2: (Laughing) I like that. Hit them with humor!
Actor 1: Yeah, I’ve got the humor part covered but I need a good ending. No pun intended!
Actor 2: Well, what ending do you have?
Actor 1: Here’s what I have. Now I shall go to sleep – Lord Bryon.
Actor 2: That’s it?
Actor 1: I told you!
Actor 2: Why don’t you speak about forgiveness? Like forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing…
Actor 1: What? Actor 2, my speech is about famous last words. Not forgiveness!! Stay on topic please!
Actor 2: I am on topic. I’m talking about the famous last words of…
Actor 1: …of who? I’ve got the list right here! I don’t see anything about forgiveness! Topic please!
Actor 2: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Actor 1: Hey, calm down. I’ll tell you why. Because this is what they asked me to speak on that’s why!
Actor 2: No, that’s the famous last words of…
Actor 1: Actor 2! Of who? I’ve got the list right here! I don’t see anything about forsaken! Again, topic please!
Actor 2: How about I am thirsty?
Actor 1: (Gives a funny look) Okay, if you’re thirsty go get you a drink.
Actor 2: No! Not me!
Actor 1: Well thanks, but I’m not thirsty!
Actor 2: That’s what Jesus said!
Actor 1: (Gives a funny look) Are you ok? Remember my speech? Famous last words?
Actor 2: That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!! Why don’t you use the famous last words of Jesus?!?!
Actor 1: You know, I never thought of that. So what did he say?
Actor 2: Again, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you silly!
Actor 1: Forgive them, why, I’m thirsty?
Actor 2: Yes, read it for yourself.
(Actor 2 hands Actor 1 the Bible)
Actor 1: (Reading from the Bible) When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
Actor 2: It was for the forgiveness of sins, that’s why… for the thirsty.
(Actor 1 writes as he says…)
Actor 1: The greatest words ever uttered by the greatest man that ever lived. “It is finished.” – Jesus
(Lights go dark. They exit)
(If you use... Give credit where credit is due)
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